
Nouvelle Tanga


We are women of many vices. Champagne, french fries, and (obviously) lingerie. We pick our addictions wisely, though. It's no wonder slinky mesh and microfiber, bondage-pin-up panelling, and supreme comfort are habit forming. Frankly, like so many of our favorite vices, this is one habit we don't want to break.

We are women of many vices. Champagne, french fries, and (obviously) lingerie. We pick our addictions wisely, though. It's no wonder slinky mesh and microfiber, bondage-pin-up panelling, and supreme comfort are habit forming. Frankly, like so many of our favorite vices, this is one habit we don't want to break.

We are women of many vices. Champagne, french fries, and (obviously) lingerie. We pick our addictions wisely, though. It's no wonder slinky mesh and microfiber, bondage-pin-up panelling, and supreme comfort are habit forming. Frankly, like so many of our favorite vices, this is one habit we don't want to break.